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Salvi's SwapMeet is back for it's 10th year!!

SAVE THE DATE! Sat 7th SEPTEMBER! 2:30pm Till 5:30!

Our semi annual MUSICAL SWAPMEET is coming up again at the beautiful Wheatsheaf Hotel back rooms here in sunny Thebarton South Australia. (39 George Street)

If you have stuff you no longer need, or need some new stuff, come and buy sell and trade at our famous Swapmeet! It's a great, ALL AGES event, we get loads of people through the door and it's short but sweet! If you love guitars, instruments or music, are looking for stuff to buy or trade, or just looking to meet like minded people, this swap meet is for you. How does it work?

*If you're a seller and have musical stuff you don't want, (like instruments, pedals, records, whatever), just turn up with your stuff at about 2 oclock at the the Wheaty 39 George street Thebarton opposite Salvi's. Go inside, find a table in the back room and just hang out with everyone else!

*If you're not selling, just turn up and go in at 2:30. That's all there is to it! Easy!

**3 hours only!

update: We've got a boatload of '70's lawsuit guitars that will be available this time around as well, there'll be mics, mixers, amps, records, you name it. And don't forget the Wheaties famous brewery!!

Get amongst it!



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MONDAY-         gone practicing

TUESDAY           10am - 4:30pm

WEDNESDAY    10am - 4:30pm

THURSDAY        10am - 6pm

FRIDAY               10am - 6pm

​SATURDAY        10am - 1:00pm

08 8443 8272

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54 George Street


South Australia 5152

+61 8 8443 8272

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