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The legendary Deniz Tek of Radio Birdman​

and his signature Salvi DT guitar..

Some guys just need to do their own thing...

And that's what we're all about.



Deniz Tek knows what he wants, and if you've ever heard Australian rock, then you'll know why. His seminal band Radio Birdman  set the stage for many  acts to follow and be inspired. He can be heard playing his signature Deniz Tek Deluxe model Salvi guitar live on tour.
The inimitable Duke Garwood, UK multi instrumentalist and collaborator, has written albums with Mark Lanegan as well as many others. In fact  Lanegan described Garwood as "one of his all time favorite artists" and working with him as "one of the best experiences of his recording life". Their debut collaboration album Black Pudding was a landmark collaboration for them both.  
Dukes Discography and versatility are testament to his creative genius. I was honored to make him a double cut Pistolero semi hollow guitar. 
Dusty Lee Stephensen of Australian band Wanderers has his hands on lovely Quilt top Pistolero single cut. Check out his music, there's a bright future there.





Back in the day Michael Brown of Tracer started life as a blues prodigy with his brother Leigh in The Brown Brothers, they toured nationally to great acclaim.  Then they kicked ass all over Europe as well as picking up "Best New Band" in 2012 as voted by the readers of Classic Rock Magazine.








Multi-instrumentalist Heather Frahn asked us to build a hybrid 8-string baritone with 4 Bass strings and 2 octave pairs in the treble register.



​​​Visit Cool Cats in the Neighbourhood to see custom Salvi guitars in action.


MONDAY-         gone practicing

TUESDAY           10am - 4:30pm

WEDNESDAY    10am - 4:30pm

THURSDAY        10am - 6pm

FRIDAY               10am - 6pm

​SATURDAY        10am - 1:00pm

08 8443 8272

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54 George Street


South Australia 5152

+61 8 8443 8272

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